Maglić – The Highest Peak
maglic (2386 MASL)
Maglic (2386 MASL) is the highest mountain peak of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It dominates over all other high, wild and beautiful mountains in National park Sutjeska. An impressive, rocky pyramid simply invites you to climb its slopes. It offers you to get to know yourself, the size and the infinity of nature as well as its fragility. Maglić is located between river Piva, on the east, river Drina, on the north, and river Sutjeska, on the west. On its south side it relies on mountains Volujak and Bioč. On the east Maglić descents into Mratinje valley where a great dam on river Piva is located. Maglić gives you a close opportunity to connect with nature in all its glory. This hiking road is on the list of the secured mountain roads “via ferrata” and it is the safest way to climb the mountain. It is very well marked. This trip requires good climbing techniques, hiking experience, reliable guidance and attention.

Stunning Scenery
Beautiful mountain and the snow in the summer.
Enjoy Nature
Enjoy real wilderness this part of the largest National Park in this region “Sutjeska”, as well as beautiful mountains views.
Transport & Parking
Park your vehicle on parking place at camp. For this tour, transport to hiking starting point and back to camp is provided.
Incredible Hiking Tour
Hike. Photo. Reach the highest peak of our country.
maglic - Pricing Chart
Maglic - The price includes packed lunch, transportati - on from Rafting Camp Divlja Rijeka (Wild River) to hiking start place (Prijevor) and back, licensed guide and taxes (NP Sutjeska and Touristic). You are also able to make an additional payment for breakfast, dinner or bed.
- Local Transport & Parking
- Licensed Guide
- Taxes
- Packed Lunch
Trekking, Hiking, Jeep safari and photo. This trip requires hiking experience and good physical form. For this trip we recommend: small backpack, wind jacket, sunscreen, hiking shoes, hiking sticks, hats and swimsuits and a water bottle which is not made of glass. Bring your IDs.